Our mission

MSInsight is empowering precision medicine in oncology by revealing actionable information on microsatellite instability – MSI – through genomic analysis.

Outline of DNA double helix, MSInsight colors, pink and blue gradient

Shape the future of the diagnosis of a tumoral biomarker at the genomic level,

Microsatellite Instability (MSI)

Outline of lightblub. MSInsight colors of blue and pink gradient

Unlock a deeper and more reliable identification of MSI with genomic data from Next-Generation Sequencing

Outline of global symbol of healthcare professionals. Color of MSInsight, blue and pink gradient

Reveal actionable insights to better guide personalized treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes

Our expertise

MSInsight is providing state-of-the-art diagnostic solutions for MSI analysis in cancer patients and for therapeutic decision making

MSI cancers, for MicroSatellite Instable, are characterized by genetic alterations in the repeated sequences of the DNA. This phenotype is associated with nearly 4% of cancers worldwide.

MSI is a booming biomarker for immunotherapy response to treatment prediction.

Resulting from 20 years of research on MSI tumor genetic and bioinformatic, our technology enables to provide a more accurate and reliable insight for MSI diagnosis using genomic data from Next-Generation Sequencing.

Our solution

We are leveraging the power of genomic data from NGS with best-in-class bioinformatic algorithms and AI solutions

Just upload your genomic data, we provide you the right information

Discover how our cutting-edge solution, MSIcare, is transforming the way MSI is detected and monitored in various types of solid cancers.

GIF of MSIcare. Computer with keyboard and mouse. On the screen is a demonstration of how MSIcare works

Who we are

At MSInsight, we bring together a team of dedicated experts in genomic, bioinformatic and oncology

Our main partners

Pleasure to work with

They support us

We are backed by renowned start-up programs, institutions and public initiatives !

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